Is Your Pet Business Website 'Fit for Purpose?'
When it comes to their digital 'online' marketing strategy, there are two BIG problems that pet business owners suffer.
The first is a fit for purpose issue. You'll be familiar with 'fit for purpose' from Crufts, and one of the big issues in the breeding world over the last 10 years has been developing dogs who are fit for purpose.
Think about a sad looking German Shepherd with his short rear legs and sloping back, Definitely NOT fit for purpose.

99% of pet business websites are similarly not fit for purpose. They are put together by graphic designers who can code, which gets you a 'pretty' website that your partner or your mam think looks good, but which actually does NOTHING to convert website visitors into clients.

The aim of any website is to convert visitors to clients, OR capture contact details so you can follow up with them, take them through the know, like trust process, stay top of mind and make offers that will eventually convert them from prospect to clients.

That's it my friend.

If your website doesn't do that then it isn't fit for purpose, and if it isn't doing either of those two things then it's probably hindering, rather than helping your business, and costing, rather than making you money.
Don't shoot the messenger.
Your website is not there to provide pretty dissolving pictures that mesmerise visitors. It's not there as a vehicle to provide more content to clog up Googles algorithms, and it certainly shouldn't have easy 'buttons' linked to FB, Instagram or YouTube, that take people AWAY from the website.
Seriously, why the hell would you spend time, money and effort driving people to a website and then make it easy for them to leave said website.

The second problem is either no follow up system in place, and/or a lack of consistency with follow up. Put simply, the more follow up you do, the more money you will make. And the more follow up systems you have working – hopefully using some kind of automation - that consistently, predictably and repeatedly bring in and warm up new prospects, the safer, successful and more easily able to scale your business will be.

If you are smart enough to add some offline follow up into your marketing system that includes newsletters, postcards, leaflets, testimonial booklets that advertise seasonal promotions and upsells, then you'll put your business growth on steroids.

I've been very consistent on this topic since the PBIC started in 2017.

With my new PetBizSuite Marketing engine I have the perfect solution that fixes all these problems.

You can go away and figure this out for yourself, or you can take a chance with one of the many pet business website 'experts' out there, who will likely be making all the mistakes on their own website that I talked about in this article.

Come to think of it, that's a good way to tell if they know what they are talking about...

Or you can apply to upgrade your membership to Diamond, and get in on the ground floor as we roll PetBizSuite into the industry.

Either way you have to fix those two mistakes and replace your pretty picture placeholder of a website into an optimized highly converting series of landing pages, and introduce some proper follow up into your sales process, to increase conversions with an automated pipeline of prospects.

Author: Dominic Hodgson
Dom Hodgson is known as 'The Pet Biz Wiz', and is widely regarded as the world's leading pet business coach and marketing strategist.

Author of 9 books, Dom is a much in demand speaker at pet business events all over the world. His mission is to help struggling pet business owners to unleash their potential, so they can create a super profitable, impactful, and industry enhancing business.

If you are a doggy daycare owner, dog trainer, dog walker, dog groomer or any serviced based pet business owner who wants to make more money with less stress, and fewer headaches, then click on the button below to get immediate access to £1997 worth of FREE marketing resources.

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