I've coached thousands of pet business owners and every one of them has been ignoring existing profit-making opportunities in their business.
In week three I'll help you plug the leaky holes in your marketing funnel, and show you how to unlock hidden revenue by making more money from your existing business.
In the final session of the Bootcamp, Dom will conduct a hotseat session with all bootcamp attendees where you'll get a personal profit plan which you can plug into your business straight away.
Charles Countryman
Owner K9 Culture, Texas Largest Board and Train Facility
Emily Bowcher
Bow-Wow Dog Adventures
Even though we had to change tack halfway through the last 90 days the things I've achieved have been great... I've been granted planning permission for my upcoming dog field, the 'Bow Wow Adventure Playground', I make on average £150 more a week than 90 days ago.
I have a more affluent client base who really appreciate what I do, where I'm going with my pet business business and are really on board with supporting that. Plus I'm almost ready to rebrand!!!"
Becky Mitchell
Becky's Walkies, Training and Behaviour