Special time-limited Diamond Coaching Offer
Get 2 months Diamond membership and pay just $97 per month - SAVING $400
After 60 days you'll have the choice to continue with the Diamond Coaching Program at the special rate of just $297/month (usually $397)
Click here to start your Diamond Private Coaching experience NOW!
I went from little local dog walker to published author, online dog trainer, renowned speaker, podcaster and pet industry leader...
Now I'll coach you one-on-one, so you can rapidly boost your pet business profits while working less hours.
Over the last 5 years I've personally coached hundreds of daycare owners, dog trainers, walkers and groomers, and helped them transform their nightmare pet business into the profitable, impactful, heart-centred pet business they always dreamed of.
Now, I can help give you the confidence and clarity about exactly what you need to do right now to radically increase your pet business income.
You get;
  • Daily access to the worlds No #1 pet business coach, who has helped hundreds of pet business owners to transform their business fortunes, and build an amazing impactful business around the kind of life they want to have.
  • My proven step-by-step formula to systemise, staff and successfully scale your business (without any fluffy-bunny, waste of time, silly social media nonsense...)
  • Access to the most amazing kick-ass, heart-centred community of pet professionals on the planet – My members get more done than anyone else.
  • Clarity, confidence and a personalized clear action plan of action to get you moving forward, fast!
  • NOT for beginner pet business owners, see criteria below.
'I now only work 3 ½ days a week as opposed to the 7 I used to work'
Tim Jackson was a veterinary nurse, turned dog behaviourist and daycare owner who was working long hours for little reward.
He had what appeared on the surface a 'busy' business, but the reality was he was working 7 days a week for less than minimum wage.
He offered lots of services, had many clients, but also having a lot of overheads and staff to pay was proving incredibly difficult.
He wasted a lot of money on google ads, SEO and other so called marketing experts.
Tim made a common mistake of putting the business needs before his own needs. He needed a plan to regain control of the business.
Here's how Tim turned it around with my help;
"I was introduced to Dominic's 33 free ideas which I started to implement in my business and within a very short time I started to see a huge difference in my quality of living.  I joined the PBIC and had a one-to-one call with Dom...that's where it all changed.
I was only in the PBIC for a short time before I realised I needed a higher level of support and help, which is why I signed straight up to the Diamond Pet Business Coaching Program.
I was concerned about the extra financial costs involved with becoming a private client, however I knew it was not a binding contract and if needs be, I could cancel at any time.
2 years later, and I'm still a member of Doms coaching program, and the thought of cancelling never even crossed my mind.
Since becoming a Diamond member, and with Dom's help and support I have written 3 books, introduced 3 upsells for the daycare, introduced a tiered membership programme within the daycare (which means my clients pay a set fee every month, just to be a member so they can pay for more of our services). We've added 2 new upsells for Puppy School and 1-1 training, and I have more money in the bank.
I've been able to move house, and I now only work 3 ½ days a week, which gives me more time to spend with my wife and kids. I wanted a better quality of living, I wanted more time with my family and friends, I wanted to focus on the elements of the business I loved, I wanted more money in the bank and I wanted to respected and successful business....Thanks to Dominic, I now have just that."
"What is the best way to grow your business
without working yourself to death? "
Sadly, most pet business owners never get to experience what it's like to run a stress-free business, because they are stuck on the 'hamster-wheel' of busyness.
Time management is a huge problem and they are always running up to deadines with little time for themselves.
Most pet business owners lack any kind of focus. They try lots of different things, and flit from one bright shiny object to another, but fail to focus on what brings in the money. They are also so busy they are rubbish at setting themselves any kind of accountability, and if they put off difficult decisions – like increasing prices, introducing new services, and sacking PITA clients...
Sometimes your life gets so busy with family, and other commitments that it totally gets in the way of your business. You don't have enough time to grow the business so it can make more money to pay for you not to have to run it all by yourself.
This is a killer trap. It is a poisonous position to be in because, without a solution, it will eventually sap your focus and determination...
This is where my private coaching program can make the difference.
Click here to start your Diamond Private Coaching experience NOW!
What makes the Pet Business Inner Circle different from other pet business coaching circles?
In short, I'm the only pet business coach who practices all kinds of offline and online marketing. Most online 'gooroos' are only practising silly social media tactics, and their advice is usually 'post more often, blog more often, or tweet more often!'.
You and I know those tactics don't work anymore.
The way to scale up a stand out pet business is to put yourself at the heart of the community you want to impact with your services, and you can't do that using only online tactics.
I'm the only pet business coach in the world who has run 3 pet businesses, written 7 books, run LIVE events, has two podcasts, and consequently my members make more money – and have more impact with their services – than anyone else.
The coaching community I've created is full of passionate pet people just like you.
People who want to take their pet business to the next level, but they don't know how.
I'm the missing piece of your pet business puzzle. You know how to deliver the service. I know the best way to systemise it, staff it and scale it.
I'll be honest, if you are a hobby pet business owner who only wants more likes, blog views and twitter followers then please close this page down and find a social media obsessed gooroo to help you. There's loads of them out there.
However, if you want more clarity, more money in the bank, more time off to spend with your family, better clients who stay longer, pay more and refer more often, then this should be the easiest decision you make all year.
Queen of the Fields, Katie Guastapaglia certainly thinks so;
When Katie Gee joined my private coaching she was working part-time at the Dogs Trust, and had a pretty successful local dog field business.
After joining my private coaching, we quickly devised a plan to run a community centred event, that ended up filling her field business so Katie could go leave her job and go full-time running her business.
Next, we christened her 'Queen of the Fields' and got to work turning her huge passion for dogs into an impactful business operation.

Working together inside my Diamond Program I helped Katie turn her head full of amazing ideas into her own dog training system, 'Scentventure', which we rolled out into a monthly membership that now has over 250 members who subscribe monthly to her program.

At the same time Katie turned her field experience into a consulting role to help other people open field businesses, and next up she's turning Scentventure into a book, and a training program that other accredited trainers can use.

That's how you take an idea and leverage it into a new, exciting business, and it's what I do every day with my members inside my private coaching programs.

I help turns dream businesses into reality. Even my own clients don't believe the results.

Here's what Katie thought before she joined my private coaching;

"Admittedly I had my doubts. I didn't believe that Dom could really do everything he claimed. And besides, as pet professionals we're 'not in it for the money'. We're here 'just to help dogs'. 'Improving your business' sounded like something you do just to make more money – and that felt wrong.

I only wanted to help dogs.

Listen, we're all here to help dogs, but how many dogs can we really help if we're running around in a constant state of stress because we're trying to do too much and end up concentrating on the wrong things?

Not that many.

That was me, a busy idiot.

I was stressed all the time because I was spreading myself too thin in an attempt to help everyone.

I contacted Dom because I knew I could be doing so much better. I booked a ticket to IMPACT and was hooked.

There's a photo of me watching one of the presentations with an expression of intense fascination on my face; you can almost see the cogs turning, the steam coming out of my ears as I process the insight, information and expert knowledge from The Pet Biz Wiz. That photo sums up the day pretty well for me.


Oh and something else – a vow to myself to stop relying on Facebook; to think about the bigger picture in terms of PR, writing a book and creating video. The effect has not only been that I have met new clients in different places but this fresh approach has restored my sanity.

Less stress, no more busy idiot.

What did I take away from IMPACT? Five pages full of action points to drive my business forward, that many pages again of notes for new ideas, a video of me pushing myself out of my comfort zone to great effect, a Barry award, a room full of new friends... and a decision to apply for PBIC Diamond.

And guess what? Since joining Dom's private coaching the dogs who use our facilities and services now have a better experience than they did when I was running things from a constant state of overload.

There's only one person that is as excited about the future of my business as I am – and that's Dom. He genuinely cares and does everything he can to help his private clients succeed."

Now, I bet that just like Katie, you have a head full of ideas, but no clue where to start either.

I bet you have business problems you are avoiding because you don't know how to systemise and scale.
That's not your fault by the way. How could you know how to scale up?
You've never been shown how.
I also bet that although your business is growing and appears 'surface-level' successful, at the end of the month there's never enough money left over for you to feel secure and safe, and you feel lost when it comes to taking the next steps.
I know what those next steps are, and I know there are lots of hidden opportunities in your business right now, and all you need is someone to help you sniff them out, tell you what ideas are good, and which ones to action first.
Click here to start your Diamond Private Coaching experience NOW!
It's like having your own personal pet business coach in your pocket
I've been called the pet business owners 'secret weapon' because I have the ability to see the core nuggets of gold through all the fluffy crap, and I'm not afraid to tell you exactly what you need to do to get the results you desire.
Hey, it's a big deal when you are making changes in your pet business, and you don't want someone who says 'that's a great idea' because they don't want to offend you.
That NEVER happens in my private coaching programs.

There's no fluff.


Just results.

Most of the trainings in Diamond are only an hour long.

That way you can get what you need and implement it fast.

The trainings are available LIVE, and then in video and audio format. So you can go through them in the most convenient way for you.

We also have a customized app available, so you can access the community, me, and all the trainings through your phone.

Along with 53+ existing trainings, I also release a new one to my Diamond members every fortnight
As a Diamond member you can join me on these LIVE trainings. And I'll answer any questions you have.
The topics I cover are based on the community members needs, as well as the latest breakthroughs I and my private clients have had.
My private clients regularly become authors, add memberships and continuity income, start completely new businesses, and continually move forward by following my tried and tested methods.
I will personally coach you inside the Diamond Private Coaching Community
Every month I send around 400 messages inside the private community forum.
As well, as a Diamond coaching client you get access to;
• The monthly Diamond Group Coaching Call and the monthly LOMS Call (Look over my shoulder).
The next Foundations Group call is this Wednesday at 5pm
These calls provide a fortnightly 'check-in' to keep you on track with your 90-day goals.
• You also get access to the Diamond Foundations Program. This is where I go deep into the main aspects of growing, developing and scaling a profitable, stress-free business. In the foundations program I teach everything that separates the 1%ers from the 99% of 'average' pet business owners.
We cover everything from how to make your business more attractive to affluent dog owners, how to plan for your future, how to save money, how implement systems that make scaling your business easier.
This is the only pet business development program of its kind, in the world.
• As a Diamond member you also get the Monthly Paper and Ink Diamond Letter and Diamond bonus CD which comes with your Ledger
• The Diamond Only Swipe File – Where each week I share the good, the bad and the ugly advertising examples from industries all around the world.
• A special Diamond rate for all my events and programs
• You get Dom's Weekly Fax at 8am every Monday.
• Diamond members also get access to the BONUS Diamond Only Content in the members area of the new PBIC App.
This houses every Diamond Teleclass I've done since 2017.
• There you'll also find May 2018 Dog Walkers Business Bootcamp and October 2018 Dog Trainers Business Bootcamp recordings. (Each of these contains all 10 hours of a two-day event, and they usually retail at $497 each. You get them free as part of your Diamond membership)
In truth though, it's not about 'the stuff' or the other people in there.
It's about ME helping you take more action, make more progress and stopping you from 'drifting' along in your business.
You are just 48 hours away from your next pet business breakthrough
As soon as you are accepted into the Diamond Coaching Experience you'll get immediate access to all of the resources listed above, but before you even start thinking about any of that, we do A LOT of work to narrow down your 5 year, 1 year and then finally your 90 day goals.
You will be forced to think about things in much greater detail than you ever have before.
You'll fill in a Diamond Goals and Challenges form, and we'll get to work transforming your business.
On your first one to one call, I'll help you make sense of all your ideas. I'll help clear the fog of uncertainty that's stopping you moving forward.
I'll tell you what you need to do now to start fixing your business, so you can confidently start smashing your goals. We'll quickly identify;
• What you 'why' is? Truth is you need BIG reasons to achieve BIG results. I'll put you back in touch with the reason you started your business, and we'll tie all of your activities to impactful results for you, your family and your community.
• Who you are, and what makes your business different. And what makes you the passionate pet professional dog owners should be looking for?
• What you need to do right now, to move your business forward. Chances are you're spreading yourself too thinly, and consequently you've lost the energy and focus you need to drive forward with your plans.
• Where the quick wins are so you can immediately increase profitability and start getting a return on your investment.
• Where your marketing message lacks clarity. Once we fix this we can permanently elevate you above the competition, and make your business uncopiable.
• How to get more shit done, so you aren't chasing your tail, plate-spinning or worse, constantly firefighting problems in your business.
• Why you aren't achieving what you feel you should be. As your business grows you need to say 'No' a lot more than you say 'yes'. Some tasks should be outsourced, some should be systemised and staffed, and some should be deleted from your schedule.
Imagine how it will feel to only concentrate on activities you enjoy and that feed your energy?
That's what you'll get with the personal plan of action, continuous support and hand-holding you'll get in my Diamond Business Development Program;
I get it, this is a completely new way of working for you. It's a little scary and it will blow your mind, but it's proven to work time and time again with daycare owners, dog walkers, dog trainers, dog groomers, pet therapists, pet scanners.
Essentially, any ambitious pet business service provider will benefit hugely from this program.
You're currently living BD – Before Dom. What does AD- After Dom look like?
Here's what the Doggy Doctor Carol Clark thinks;
"Wondering whether it's worth it to upgrade to join Diamond?
Yes. It is!
BD - Before Dom set up his private coaching - I joined an expensive mentoring group but had little result except losing money overall.
AD - After I joined Dom's private coaching my profits have increased substantially, my business is streamlined and growing, I've successfully launched a new side to it, my Professional Academy for aspiring dog trainers, and we're on course to have our most successful year yet, despite lockdown.
It's not easy, Dom pushes you hard, but the figures don't lie.
It's expensive, but if you do the work you'll earn that back and more.
But having Dom's regular, personal help and support plus that of the wonderful bunch of Diamond and Platinum colleagues is what has allowed me to develop and extend my business, even in this pandemic year.
If you're ready for a challenge, join us.
You'll be amazed at what you'll achieve"
And that's not all because we also have ... In-Person Meetups!
Being a petpreneur can be lonely.
That's why we host regular meetups across the globe. So, you can connect with fun, switched-on pet business owners like yourself.
We have members in Scotland, London, Ireland, Wales, as well as Perth, Seattle, the Ardeche, and Hawaii!
A Diamond Night Out
Here's a quick recap of everything you get inside the Diamond Pet Business Development Program;
One-to-one call and Personal Action Plan so you can start moving forward, fast!

• Monthly Diamond Only Group Call to keep you on track with your 90 day goals
• Weekly Diamond Foundations call, to keep you up to date with the latest marketing and pet industry trends.
• Dom's Weekly Fax – Lands in your inbox 8am every Monday.
• Monthly Diamond Letter – This Paper and ink publication comes with your monthly Ledger. Each letter contains a powerful pet business profit lesson.
• Immediate access to the Diamond Private Forum – Here you can get marketing critiques on your website, newsletters, postcards and Facebook adverts. Never again will you be stuck on anything.
• Immediate Access to over 53 powerful hour long trainings inside the Diamond Vault – These trainings cover every topic from pricing, money mindset, on everything from are ready and waiting for you.
• Immediate access to the Dog Walkers Business Bootcamp recordings, Dog Trainers Business Bootcamp recordings, and the IMPACT 2019 event recordings. (Total Value $1997)
• Invitations to meet-ups and events all over the world.
• Diamond discounts on all my programs, events and courses – I'm very prolific, but you'll get access to everything first, and with a special Diamond discount.

Click here to start your Diamond Private Coaching experience NOW!
In a second I'll show you how you can get access to all this help, but first you must qualify...
Obviously, if I'm going to devote my time to coaching you one-on-one, I need to make sure you are a good fit.
Below are the 5 criteria you must meet in order to become a Diamond Private Coaching Client.
1) You be making at least $30,000/year with the business you want me to help you with.
Diamond is strictly NOT suited for start-ups or beginners pet businesses. To be very clear – If you are not already making sales in the business you want help with, this isn't for you yet.
2) You're driven and want to make a difference with your services.
You have a deeper mission than simply making money.
Maybe it's to take care of your children and family. Or better serve your canine community. Or simply prove that family member wrong who said you would never be make a success.
Truth is, running and scaling a business is tough, and there will be times when you hit obstacles. If you don't have a powerful "why" driving you, there isn't much I can do for you.
3) You're not just looking to "get rich quick"
This isn't about making a quick buck.
It's about better serving your customers. And creating a thriving pet business that runs without you.
Many of my members do end up making a lot of money quickly. But that's because they enjoy at least some part of their work. And they care about delivering a top-notch service to as many dog owners as possible.
If all you care about is your bank account, this won't be a good fit.
4) You have a stable income or savings.
Diamond isn't a life-raft. If you are down to your last few grand, this isn't for you.
5) No serial seminar or online course buyers.
If you're looking for just another membership to go with all the other 'waste of time' memberships, seminars and online courses you love collecting (just because your pet business friends buy them) then this isn't for you.
PBIC Diamond is where the ambitious and passionate pet business owners go to take their business to the next level.
Diamond is strictly confidential. Several members have had to deal with major personal issues in the last two years and what goes in these coaching groups stays in there.
I'm not just talking about the advanced marketing strategies I share. We have a built up a trust between us. Anyone caught breaking this confidentiality will have their arse out the door so fast their feet won't touch the floor.
If you are still at the stage of starting out, or you are busy 'checking out' what other marketers are saying then this isn't for you, yet.
If you aren't ready to make some difficult decisions about your business then this isn't for you, yet.
That's totally fine though, none of us have to be fully focused on the business all the time.
The uncomfortable truth is, you are unlikely to make any major breakthroughs in your pet business, unless you do fully focus on it.
If you think you are ready then you can apply now.
Click here to start your Diamond Private Coaching experience NOW!
Don't take my word for it, see what my private clients say about the results they get with my help;
Here is What They Say...
Shirley Hastings
Hiking Hounds and Scissor Hounds
"As I write this I've just had one of the best months in my business to date.
I am now the highest priced dog walker in my local area with a client base of professionals.
Is he a required taste ? Shit yes.
Does he know his stuff? Shit Yes.
Would I have returned to my old job and given up on living the dream without being part of his world?
Hannah Antrobus
Pawsitively Pawsome Pups Training and Behaviour
"When I joined Diamond my business was already in a good place, but I knew I could be doing more, especially offline marketing I didn't have a clue about.

 I love the monthly ledger and diamond letter that gets sent, and its made me realise the value of paper and ink marketing which Dom often talks about. There are so many resources on the online site too, and the amount of information you get is crazy really.

The 90 day goal calls with Dom are great, he does push you outside your comfort zone but that is a good thing, and the group calls are really useful and valuable too.

Dom can be/is straightalking ha and sometimes that's not for everyone but what he says does make sense and It does work." 

Anna Pollard
The Dog House Canine Spa

"Since upgrading to diamond I've found the support incredible, everyone is so helpful as they've usually been there themselves or experienced something similar so have the knowledge to step in. The feedback is really quick from people too so you're able to react quicker.

Since joining Diamond we've made some big changes with bigger ones to come, the business is constantly developing and evolving.

I'd absolutely recommend upgrading to Diamond to put the focus on your businesses, there's so many resources that I haven't even tapped into yet and I know there's so much more I can achieve with Dom and the rest of the Diamond support.||"

Isabelle Vialla
Izzy Walking
"I have followed step by step what Dom was teaching us and I have been blown out by the results. It f**king works!!!!
Being a Diamond member you have access to a bigger library so you can learn more about even more effective techniques to develop your business, but also it is a more private group, which I really like as we get to know each other.
More over the weekly group calls are amazing to keep you on track and guide you to do the right things to get the best of your business. And the plus of the Diamond is of course the private coaching with Dom helping us to plan our goals and focus on what is important with tailored advices that will just make your business a success.
You would like to know concretely what I mean... I have just done my accounts for the last 4 months (May June July and August) and I didn't believe my eyes when I read the figures!!! Wow!!! I have doubled my turnover compare to last year. Ok last year was COVID but if I compare to 2019 my turnover has increased of +45%...."


Jo Loft

"Dom has taught me so much about marketing, but with sensible and easy to understand pieces.

I can pick it up when needed around my day, but it really is best to spend just 5 minutes a day with what Dom has to say as it will make a huge difference to not only your business but your business mindset, goals and understanding.

It's helped me take my business from a paid hobby to a paid profession.

I still have so many ideas from Dom and so much to do, that I wish I had more time in a day to put in place what Dom says, as all he says is so helpful and he really does understand the business and what needs to be done.

5 gold paws for Dom"


Sarah Stevens
K9adventures Ltd

"I joined Doms' lockdown survival challenge and realised I had so much to learn to get out of the rut, so applied straight for platinum, because if I'm going to do something I'll do it properly, if I didn't do it now I was going to end up a worn out busy idiot again, and I wasn't going to go back there again.

Since joining platinum my increased my knowledge of direct marketing has helped me diversify and sell new services since lockdown, which meant my staff all kept their jobs and we are still growing.

The support from Dom and the group is great and really keeps me motivated.

I now feel confident we can continue to adapt and grow, but more importantly I am getting systems in place so that I can take time out to look after myself and have a better work/life balance.

I would highly recommend joining platinum if you have a bigger business, or even a big idea for a business, as the knowledge and drive will help you get you where you want to go."